
A Design System for AIG

Hinge is the result of a thorough analysis of all products across AIG in comparison with other fortune 500 product offerings mixed with insights garnered from research and analysis of existing UI components that were currently in use. This lead to a first draft design library of components that was continually refined and eventually propagated throughout out all of AIG's digital products to bring a level of consistency and commonality that previously was not there before. This allowed product teams to focus on more time on solving problems rather than recreating user interfaces.

AIG Private Client Group

Online payment portal

AIG Private Client Group is a top tier product for wealthy clients that has a white glove service offering protection for expansive port folio's of properties and possessions. Making payments for this product shouldn't be hard. Relying on a clunky outdated third party payment system, overhauling this product with Design Thinking and Agile practices along with research insights and a Test Driven Design approach was a top priority. Using a combination of all the afore mentioned modern process practices, a new Portal Experience was launched with great success.

AIG Private Client Group Design System

Introducing product specific Design System process to AIG XD

The Private Client Group product was instrumental in helping form the Hinge Design System at AIG. Not only was having a standalone design library instrumental in managing the large scale of the products design files, it was also a pragmatic way to migrate any tried and tested UI components into the the Hinge Design System so they could be adopted across multiple products in AIG.

This practice was then adopted by other product streams to further enhance the collective components used in the global Hinge Design System as well as bring a better management process to large scale design projects.

Agile Methodology

The process to get things done

Working with a solid Agile Methodology process was imperative for boosting communication and understanding within a team that consisted of multiple teams across various disciplines, as well as business product owners.
Knowledge and wisdom was spread evenly across all areas with everyone having a sense of relativity brought to their perspective of the overall project. Not only is this practice able to get products to launch quickly but also efficiently, empowering teams to garner data and insights to move forwards in a pragmatic way with future product release cycles. It is a win win all around.